COP Bahrain

From the President Rev. Jacob Chandy

 Rev. Jacob Chandy,                                 President & Senior Pastor                         Church of Philadelphia                             Mobile: +973 3666 9013                                      

Senior Pastor

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus!

In the light of John 17:23, “that the world may recognize the divine love that the Father has for His children, a love that mirrors the love He has for Jesus Christ. This profound truth forms the foundation of the Christian life, and the love of God empowers one to serve the Lord with gladness. Those who accept this divine gift experience the peace of God in their hearts, from which springs the essence of life.

My personal encounter with the Lord Christ Jesus in Bahrain led to a deep transformation within, the assurance that the Lord will not cast out anyone who comes to Him (John 6:37) ignited a journey of Faith, gratitude, praise, worship, and service. Joining the Church of Philadelphia was a significant milestone in my life., from the inception of the Church of Philadelphia, a span of 39 years of God’s faithfulness has been witnessed. The church has grown to include 13 language groups and ethnicities from various nations. This growth is attributed to the work of the Holy Spirit.

God’s goodness is constant, even as Christian’s face challenges. The same God who was with us yesterday is with us today and will be forever. The faith in Him and His promises, as stated in Psalm 100:5, “The Lord is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations” propels forward daily. The vision of the church of Philadelphia is to win souls and disciple them and prepare to meet the Lord on the day of His return as King.

We are overjoyed to welcome you to our spiritual family. Our faith journey is one of transformation through the power of the Gospel, and we are committed to living out its teachings in our everyday lives. Our church serves as a sanctuary where love is abundant, hope is renewed, and spirits are uplifted.

The guiding vision of the Church of Philadelphia, and indeed my personal mission, is to win souls for the Kingdom of God and prepare them for the glorious day of the Lord’s return. As King, He will welcome His faithful servants into His eternal kingdom.

May your time with us be filled with divine grace, spiritual growth, and a deeper understanding of God’s word. We pray that you find comfort, fellowship, and inspiration within our community.

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