COP Bahrain

Sri Lankan Congregation

Rev. Nimal Anand Herath
Mobile: +973 3312 8579
Pastor Sherran Daniels
Mobile: +973 3729 3939

Sri Lanka Congregation, Church of Philadelphia

Celebrating 25 Years of Faithful Ministry

The Sri Lankan Congregation at the Church of Philadelphia Bahrain has been a beacon of hope and faith for over a quarter of a century. Speaking the heart language of Sinhalese, we began as a small gathering of 15 devoted members. Today, we stand as a testament to God’s grace, having grown exponentially in number and spirit.

Shepherds of the Flock

Pastor Nimal Ananda Herath and Co-Pastor Sherran Prithiviraj Daniels have been the pillars of this congregation from its inception. With hearts full of compassion and unwavering dedication, they have led the Sri Lankan community in unity and love, embodying the essence of Ephesians 4:1-3:

“I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”

Vision and Mission

Our vision: to proclaim the Good News to all and guide them to the saving knowledge of Christ. Our mission aligns with the Great Commission, to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit’s power and God’s eternal love, while honouring our heritage of pioneering ministry and commitment to growth.

Ministries of Compassion

Throughout the week, the Sri Lankan Congregation engages in various ministries, including prayer, Bible studies, and evangelism. We host in-house prayer meetings across Riffa, Muharraq, Manama, and Budaiyah, fostering a community of support and spiritual growth.

Our Youth Ministry, Children Ministry, Women Ministry, and Hospital and Prison Ministry are dedicated to serving those in challenging circumstances, offering solace and assistance through our special prayer warriors.

The main worship service is held on Friday morning at 10:30 am, where the undiluted Word of God is preached. An anointed worship team helps usher in His glorious presence. May this message resonate with the hearts of the congregation and reflect the profound journey and commitment of the Church of Philadelphia Sri Lankan Congregation in Bahrain. Pastor Nimal Ananda Herath and Co-Pastor Sherran Prithiviraj Daniels extends a warmest welcome to all those Sinhalese speaking to to visit and experience the love and compassion of our Lord Jesus.

Please join with us to worship our Lord Jesus Christ

Every Friday 11:00 am.

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