COP Bahrain

Telugu Congregation

Rev John Wesley Pendem
Mobile: +973 3435 5012

Telugu Congregation, Church of Philadelphia

The Telugu Congregation of the Church of Philadelphia is a spiritual community that was established on 14th December, 2014. This congregation was founded with a divine purpose, inspired by the words of Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Starting with a handful of faithful individuals from camps, the congregation has grown significantly through divine providence. Pastor John, a dedicated servant of the Lord, is committed to the Great Commission. He diligently serves the Telugu-speaking community in Bahrain, spreading the Word of God and fostering the spiritual growth of the congregation.

Through this ministry, we witness the transformation of lives. God is performing remarkable work among the Telugu people in Bahrain. Every week, we hear powerful testimonies of individuals being liberated from harmful habits such as alcoholism, various forms of satanic bondage, and chronic diseases. These are the wondrous works of God, made possible by His grace. Importantly, new souls are being added to the congregation every week.

The primary goal of this congregation is to lead people to God and the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to help every believer grow as Disciples of Christ. Their guiding principle is “TO BE LIKE JESUS”. They assist individuals in experiencing the presence of God and in developing a continuous relationship with Jesus.

Pastor John and his family have devoted their lives to the service of God, with the aim of witnessing thousands of individuals being saved, and their lives being transformed and blessed by Christ Jesus.

May you be blessed in your spiritual journey.

Please join with us to worship our Lord Jesus Christ

Every Friday 5:00 pm.

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